Thursday, March 28, 2013

Jobless claims go up again.

It seems like we just can't get our unemployment issue solved here in the United States. Last week the number of Americans filling out new claims for unemployment benefits rose more than it was expected to. Isn't expecting unemployment to go up a bad thing? Well even though unemployment went up again Washington has stated that it is not enough to make the labor market take a few steps back. A different report confirmed that the economy expanded at a slow rate in the fourth quarter of 2012. Also, a big gain in business investment and higher exports of services let the government to push up its previous estimate of growth. Hopefully Jobs will start to open up and our nations economy will begin to improve before China totally owns us.

Remember Blackberrys?

What was the name of that phone that did everything that everyone wanted years ago before the Droid and the iPhone came out? Oh yeah thats the name, Blackberrys! Blackberrys use to be the top phone on the line but sadly not anymore. The sales of Blackberrys dropped ever since the releases of the Android phones and the iPhones. Blackberry has recently released a new line of phones and software to try to gain back some of its profits that they had lost. To their surprise it somewhat worked. Blackberry saw a slight profit after the release of the new phones and software the other day. In their latest quarter Blackberry lost a total of 18 million dollars from their operations but gained a total of 98 million from their income taxes. I wonder if Blackberry might be able to make it to the top again and beat the Androids and iPhones.


Today cars aren't just cars anymore, well at least not for some. Some consumers want fast sports cars, some want safe reliable sedans and some want big noisy trucks, but now a days theres a new style consumers want. This new want by consumers is luxury. People in todays world want a car that is not only slick and attractive on the outside, but shiny, new and advanced on the inside. People want touch screen radios, digital sped-ometers, heated seats, voice command/bluetooth calling and a whole bunch of other high tech stuff. This is what people want and automakers are listening! The majority of automakers are rushing to fill their showrooms with the latest and most advanced luxurious vehicles. The total sales of vehicles has risen eight percent in the past year, while sales for advanced luxurious vehicles has gone up 11 percent.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Oh wal-mart

Today I read an article about how Wal-Mart plans to step it up in their competition with Amazon. The new policy is basically a new form of pre-ordering or picking up a already purchased item. The new policy will allow customers to order and pay for a product online and pick it up in the stores in a locker. Yes Wal-Mart is now adding lockers to their stores but for the customers instead of the employees. This lockers idea is part of Wal-Marts goal to become a superstore online and even on your cell phones. While Wal-Mart still dominates Amazon in total sales, Amazon destroys Wal-Mart when it comes to online sales. The lockers should be ready for Wal-Mart shoppers by the summer but only for a few dozen stores to see how fond the customers are before they make the lockers nationwide.

Gay Marriage and the Economy

The United States supreme Court is currently making decisions on whether or not Gay or Same Sex Marriage is constitutional or unconstitutional. Most people in America have no problem with same sex marriage but many people don't. Heres a thing you might not have known, and this goes out to all of those nay sayers. Legalizing Same Sex Marriage could actually be a possible aid to our economy. When someone gets married they must pay something known as a marriage tax. Yes you actually get taxed by the government for getting married. So by allowing Gays or Lesbians to get married could give the United States a possible new form of tax dollars. Also these same sex couples will need to hire planners and books locations for the wedding which could improve businesses.

Iraq and Afghanistan

Even after 11 years or so, the United States government is still providing both financial and military aid to the middle eastern countries of Iraq and Afghanistan. Today we are actually still fighting terrorism over in Afghanistan which means we still have troops stationed over there. In Iraq however, we are no longer fighting a war at all, our soldiers stationed over there are currently acting more like a police force than anything else. This is actually bad for our economy. We have to pay those soldiers that are over in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq no longer needs a police force, we should not have to enforce their laws for them, thats a total waste of our money. We are also providing economic aid to Iraq to rebuild their nation. Originally this was a nice idea but after 11 years of funding them its about time to cut them off and leave them on their own.

War and the Economy

Even though it might sound crazy it is 100% true that war is actually a good thing for the economy. How is this possible you might ask? It's actually a very simple answer. During times of war our soldiers need money for food, ammunition and other necessary supplies. To help pay for these needs, the government offers us little pieces of paper known as War Bonds. When you purchase a war bond you are just basically lending money to the government to help support the troops. An example of when this type of situation has occurred was back in World War Two. During World War Two everyone was purchasing War Bonds and this boosted our economy. So this is how war can actually be a huge form or economic aid.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Clean U.S.A

To this very day car and truck fuel economy performance has been some of the worst in the world. Also, only seven percent of our nations energy comes from renewable energy sources, this is much less compared to most other technology advanced nations. According to president Obama, since the year 2007 American CO2 emission levels has fallen almost 13 percent. This decrease is one of the biggest declines among most industrialized countries and much steeper than in Europe. This is because in the past few years European nations have focused more on climate control rather than CO2 emission levels. This is also the biggest decline in CO2 emissions for the United States ever!


Today I read an article on the issue of Cyprus and the European Union. On Monday the European Union leaders decided to prevent the collapse of the Cyprus banking system by bailing them out to keep them in the Euro Zone and help rebuild its economy. The deal was decided by the finance ministers of the euro zone. The 17 nations that use the currency. This will drastically "prune" the over sized banking sector of Cyprus. The sector is bloated by billions of dollars from Russia and in the former Soviet Union. The deal would remove the idea of putting a tax on bank deposits. The head of the finance ministers Jeroen Dijsselbolem of the Netherlands said that the deal could go into effect very soon and without a new vote by the Cypriot Parliament who had recently rejected a financial deal within the last week. On Friday a bill was passed by legislation that would set the frame for the new deal.

Friday, March 22, 2013


This week in Economics we started watching a documentary. The documentary is called "Small Voices" and is about Cambodian street children. This documentary is about homeless children who have to work and beg on the streets to survive. These children have no choices like we do here in the United States. Here we have free public schooling, where these children live their public schooling is also free but since the teachers are so poor the students must pay the teachers 50 cents per class. If the student does not pay the 50 cents then he or she will not get any grades or proof that they had attended school. The children here wish that they could go to school and try to turn their lives around unlike the children here in the U.S. that gripe and complain constantly about going to school. The worst part of the matter is what the children have to fear, kidnappers. The street children are often kidnapped and forced into the underground sex slavery ring. We have not finished watching the movie but it is very sad and I am very grateful for the things I am allowed to do and the things I have.

Monday, March 18, 2013

March Madness

Today in economics class we covered the factors of inflation and poverty. First off, inflation is the general increase in prices of all goods. With inflation there are three different ways to cause inflation. The first theory and the most simple theory is known as The Quantity Theory. The Quantity Theory of inflation is when a country puts too much money into their economy, this lowers the value of that money and could cause prices to increase. The next theory is the Cost-Push Theory. The Cost-Push Theory states that inflation occurs when producers raise prices to meet increased costs. The final theory is The Demand-Pull Theory. The Demand-Pull Theory states that inflation occurs when demand for goods and services exceeds existing supplies. We also learned about the factors that cause the difference between rich and poor in society. These factors include talents. inheritances, luck, skills, and differences in demand. If a person can rap and appeal to a large crowd he could be signed by a record deal and make millions, if a person can lift heavy objects but has little education and no talents he won't be as successful in getting jobs.

Flammable Ice

Today in Economics class I researched a new form of gas found in Japan. On Tuesday Japan had taken gas offshore deposits of methane hydrate, also known as flammable Gas.This breakthrough has made officials and experts say that methane hydrate could be a huge step toward tapping into a new and very promising but still little understood source of energy. This new discovery could be a huge economic aid for to Japan, which is the largest importer of liquefied natural gas. Japan has also been having controversy on whether to continue their heavy reliance on nuclear energy. Even though this new form of gas could be a huge aid, it could be very harmful towards the environment. Scientists have identified that the amount of carbon in these gas hydrates is double the amount of carbon in all other fossil fuels. Looks like Japan has some testing to do before they take their next step into this new field of energy.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The day of Today

Today was a weird day, my head has been a in weird place because of my job interview today at four. The odd thing was that the day of my job interview we began talking about wages and the labor supply of the United States.  We also talked about the definitions of Employed and Unemployed. A unemployed person is considered unemployed when they do not have a job and are at least 16 years of age. They must also be available to work and actively looked for work in the prior four weeks. From this information I have learned that I count as one of the unemployed. I also learned that there are four different types of unemployment. The four types of unemployment are Frictional unemployment, Structural unemployment, Seasonal unemployment and finally Cyclical unemployment. Today I also checked my Investopedia account and my stocks are still doing horrible, I'm positive that I will now never become a stock broker in the future. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

class today

Once again we were in the computer lab with a substitute. It was an easy class and there wasn't exactly much to do like usual. I started the class by working on my investopedia account. Most of my stocks were doing very well today except for a few bad apples. I sold my last eight stocks of my KORS investment and made about $500 dollars. Then I went on the New York Times website to work on my second article summary. The article was about how the European Union is imposing to fine Microsoft. They are planning on fining Microsoft for failure to fix an error that they had made back in 2009. The mistake was that the Microsoft software did not offer a choice of competing web browsers. Microsoft declined to comment on the situation, recently stating that the mistake was a very regrettable mistake. That is what I did today in Economics.

Monday, March 4, 2013

the 4th

Today we had Mr.Anthony substituting for Mr.Stephens in class. We just went to room 251 and had a lab day. Today I worked on my first article summary. It was about a nominee for the Bank of Japan Governor. He is promising to fight the serious deflation that Japan has been dealing with for the past almost 15 years. From that article I also learned that Japan has the third largest economy in the world behind China's economy and The United State's economy. Due to the deflation problems in Japan Corporations profits have been shrinking more and more each year and is damaging the economy of Japan. This is what I did today in Economy class.